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 Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)

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Number of posts : 6
Age : 37
Credits : 20412
Registration date : 2013-07-21

Character sheet
RPG Name:
Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Left_bar_bleue21/21Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty_bar_bleue  (21/21)

Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 7:29

The world's tree....

It is said that this tree is the oldest living database in all of existence of the universe having been around since the beginning of time. According to legend this database has information on every living thing in our vast universe and an answer to every question in existence. Many have tried but failed to find this legendary tree which is told to be floating through the depths of deep space.

The year was 3032 A.E and at this point and time humanity had found itself spread out to the deepest parts of space. With the Earth long gone due to drainage of its resources the humans went to live among the other life in the universe. On a small desert planet ships were seen coming and going and a small customized air craft came flying toward it at a slow pace. The owner of the ship Malik had to see to it everything was in order before breaching security.

He wasn't popular on good terms but thanks to his sly skills he was able to get around easily with no problems. "Alright forged ID check, ships ID information changed check seems like everything is in order. I have about a full twelve hours before they find out my information was fake." Said Malik. Looking to the small boy who was sitting in another seat looking bored Malik said, "And why you pouting Noah?" "Because I can tell already this planet stinks just look at it. Looks like some backwater desert piece of rock." He got clobbered across the head by Malik after that.

"Ow what was that for you jerk!" Said Noah annoyed. "Because I happen to have been raised on a planet like that you little runt." Said Malik "Yeah yeah..." Said Noah and he saw it was their turn. Scanning his card and putting in the sixteen digit number the few nervous seconds went by but the barrier went green and they were allowed passage.

"Phew..." Said Malik with a slight laugh as he flew them down to the landing platform after that he made sure everything was shut off before he and Noah left the ship. Locking it down they ventured into the planets capital city. The streets were packed with not only tourists but citizens as well. "Man this place is huge stay close to me Noah." Said Malik as he walked.
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Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 7:38

Isamu was running down the street, his gauntlet having given out so he couldn't fight back against the thugs chasing him. Pulling his goggles on he ran through a cloud of smoke, holding his breath. Emerging from the other side he could see two people up ahead "Hey! give me a hand!" he called out
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Number of posts : 6
Age : 37
Credits : 20412
Registration date : 2013-07-21

Character sheet
RPG Name:
Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Left_bar_bleue21/21Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty_bar_bleue  (21/21)

Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 7:55

Malik heard the yell and saw Isamu rush by and he was suddenly shoved out of the way. "Move it you runts we got business with that kid!" Said the guy who threw him and he chased after Isamu along with two other guys. Picking himself up Malik was now mad and he yelled, "Get back here you assholes!!!" Noah coughed loudly as dust was flung up as Malik took off after the four like a rocket practically. "WHOA he's fast! Malik wait up!!" Whined Noah chasing after them. It was like a six man circus through the city now as things were tossed out of the way and people screamed moving fast to avoid being moved over.

Malik was flipping pissed now not caring what he destroyed as he wanted to murder those three thugs. He finally caught up to one of three and jumped on the guy smashing his face into the ground. The other two turned one of them with Isamu in their grasp. "You pissed the wrong people off kid!" Yelled the second lunging at Malik who side stepped easily and grabbed the guy hurling him over his shoulder. Noah came running up and winced covering his eye seeing that guy go flying through a building and landing.

"Oh mannn that's gonna leave a mark later..." Said Noah wincing when Malik gave a low blow to the guy who held Isamu right where it counted in the nuts the poor fool had gotten kicked. The guy dropped Isamu and hopped around crying, "OW! OW! OW!!" Though Malik punched him yelling, "I ain't no kid dammit!!" The guys all ran for it fast after that screaming about Malik being some monster. "Assholes...." Said Malik. Noah laughed saying, "As always you have a short temper Malik. Malik walked over to Isamu and pulled him up saying, "I don't think they'll bug you anymore."
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Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 7:58

"Thanks for the help" he replied, lifting his goggles to rest on his head "I'm Isamu"
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Number of posts : 6
Age : 37
Credits : 20412
Registration date : 2013-07-21

Character sheet
RPG Name:
Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Left_bar_bleue21/21Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty_bar_bleue  (21/21)

Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 8:02

"Yeah yeah, I'm Malik and this is Noah now then kid let's talk cash. How you gonna pay me back for dragging me into that damn mess?" Said Malik looking to Isamu. "Malik he neded our help that isn't right." Said Noah. "Yeah well thanks to him I got a welt on my head! If he can't pay us then at least feed us a meal I haven't eaten in weeks and we just landed here and I'm starving." Said Malik.
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Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 8:04

"Food?" Isamu asked "Sure, I can get you that- follow me to my place"
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Number of posts : 6
Age : 37
Credits : 20412
Registration date : 2013-07-21

Character sheet
RPG Name:
Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Left_bar_bleue21/21Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty_bar_bleue  (21/21)

Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 8:13

"Hell yeah food here we come!!!" Said Malik. Noah laughed and said, "Sorry about him Isamu when you travel through space like we do you tend to go hungry a lot." The two of them then walked after Isamu after that.
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Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) EmptyTue 23 Jul - 8:15

"You guys travel through space?" he asked, Isamu leading them through the city
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Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)   Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon) Empty

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Legend Of the World's Tree(Private for Dokueki Wargreymon)
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